Obtaining a refund of overpaid customs duty for a manufacturer / distributor of consumer products
We assisted an importer and distributor of consumer products obtain a refund of overpaid customs duty by revisiting the customs valuation of the goods at year end.
How we helped
The customs value of the goods was originally calculated based on the estimated transfer price of the goods upon acquisition from a related party overseas to ensure a fixed profit margin for the New Zealand distributor.
The transfer price was subsequently adjusted at year end. We compared the difference between the customs duty actually paid at the time of importation and the revised customs duty that should have been paid after taking into account the fixed profit margin. This exercise found that the amount of customs duty for the year had been overpaid.
Benefit for the client
We successfully approached New Zealand Customs to obtain a refund of the overpaid customs duty. The outcome for the client was a refund of approximately NZ$200,000 of overpaid duty over two years.
Refund of import GST
The New Zealand team recently assisted an importer and distributor of sporting goods to obtain a refund of import GST dating back to 2005.
How we helped
We undertook a Customs and GST “health check” and identified that GST payable to New Zealand Customs was being incorrectly coded in our client’s accounting system. This means that the “import GST” was not been deducted in the client’s GST return.
We assisted in obtaining a refund from Inland Revenue.
Benefit for the client
A refund of approximately NZ$400,000 in relation to historic periods. Ensuring that import GST payable to New Zealand Customs is promptly refunded by Inland Revenue via the client’s GST returns going forward.